So I have resumed writing my blog after 4 years-long time. Completed my first postdoctoral fellowship in "translational cancer biology". Have take a 2 year break from a continuous work life of school till std. 12-B.Sc-MSc.-Research Assistant-Ph.D-Post Doctoral Fellow. It seems that I have a fresh lease of life- a new way of looking at things in general. The changes-coincidence/correlation instead of causation. I think I have developed a more sane, impersonal way of observing and intrepreting passages from books and instances from life in general. For example -Schrodinger's aperiodic crystal-implying the molecule of life-DNA. What  a marvel in the altered arrangements and lengths of 4 chemical moieties leading to such amazing diversity in expressions of life. Diversity at the level of regulation of expression levels,location, timing-quantitative -spatiotemporal dynamics in biology. I know I have viewers of this blog (Statistics tell me so) so I hope you enjoy. Happy Reading and cogitation. Truth,Truth nothing but the truth at all levels. I hope emergence is not made to be an excuse for untruth.
