Intra-tumour heterogeneity: a looking glass for cancer?
of tumour cells display remarkable variability in almost every
discernable phenotypic trait, including clinically important phenotypes
such as ability to seed metastases and to survive therapy. This
phenotypic diversity results from the integration of both genetic and
non-genetic influences. Recent technological advances have improved the
molecular understanding of cancers and the identification of targets for
therapeutic interventions. However, it has become exceedingly apparent
that the utility of profiles based on the analysis of tumours en masse
is limited by intra-tumour genetic and epigenetic heterogeneity, as
characteristics of the most abundant cell type might not necessarily
predict the properties of mixed populations. In this Review, we discuss
both genetic and non-genetic causes of phenotypic heterogeneity of
tumour cells, with an emphasis on heritable phenotypes that serve as a
substrate for clonal selection. We discuss the implications of
intra-tumour heterogeneity in diagnostics and the development of
therapeutic resistance.
How does one fractionate pure populations from a mixed population-facs via cell surface biomarkers-but then one ha to know the biomarkers first...
How does one fractionate pure populations from a mixed population-facs via cell surface biomarkers-but then one ha to know the biomarkers first...
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