5. sengupso 6:32 am 09/17/2011
Your blog is excellent. The more one distances oneself
from the situation, and moves towards objectivity the
more one is able to get closer to the big picture. The
more involved one is in the situation, biases inherent
within the person will cloud reason and judgement.That
is one of the underlying difference between the work of
a scientist and an author.Ideally the scientist should
look at the data and come up with the theory to fit the
data. What happens really is that many have favourite
ideas and search for patterns within the data to
accommodate their ideas. However authors create
plethora of characters each with their own unique
characteristic and make them play out the drama,
wearing a different hat (from ed de bono)while writing
each characters role. Authors are not compelled to
prove a point, they just tell a story from a third
angle. One author who comes to my mind creating
completely different detectives (Poirot versus Marple)
is Agatha Christie. I think all our reasoning is not
absolute but contextual. To be truly objective is
really tough.
